
Why Do You Need a Specialised Collection Team?

All successful businesses eventually encounter customers who are either unable to pay their invoices or are simply having their invoices avoided. If the business is then unable to collect the moneys owed, then the business may have exorbitant legal costs to attempt collection or have to be completely written off resulting in a huge loss for the product/service provided, business expenses paid, as well as time and energy spent chasing the debtor. These expenses and unpaid invoices not only hurt your cash flow, but also limit your time and financial ability to invest and grow your business.

By partnering with Corporate Collection Group, we can help you manage your debtors and ensure that your accounts get paid, whilst protecting your brand and customer relationships throughout the process. CCG has the industry-leading recovery rates and expertise to collect the money owed to your business whilst protecting your brand. CCG prioritises your debts to accelerate the payment of your outstanding accounts to reduce your internal collections expenses and improve your cash flow.

What are your accounts receivable worth? Time is money – especially when it comes to chasing up outstanding accounts and long-term debts. Continue focusing on the growth of your business by outsourcing your debt collection to our industry leading debt recovery team.

Statistics show the longer you leave an overdue debt, the less likely it will be collected. We can provide you with a free, no-obligation, upfront quote on the services you desire.

Contact us on 1300 070 940 to receive a free debt appraisal or lodge your debt online for further information on how we can assist in recovering what is owed to you.


The chart above shows the likelihood of collecting a debt based on age of the receivable. The overall success rate declines over 1% per week,